More to Explore

Monday, April 20, 2015

Modesty and Feminism

To start at the beginning, for Lent I wore skirts every day.  I decided to do it in order to get more in the habit of being modest.

Recently my family and I were out in the yard pulling weeds. (homeschool perk!)   As I was shifting positions, I realized I couldn't just move any-which way.  I normally do yard work in shorts or pants, moving freely and sitting in any old stance.  With a skirt, it's much harder to do that, almost forcing you to have to sit or kneel in lady-like positions.  But, considering I am a lady, it just seems fitting that I should sit like one.  Girls wearing shorts or pants have blurred the the lines between girls and boys.  Modesty is a way to keep those lines clearer.  Boys shouldn't wear skirts anymore than, I'm beginning to realize, girls should wear pants.  We can still do the same things boys can, but in a more feminine way.  God created male and female, and we should keep it that way.

Also, for Modest Monday...


  1. ehhh I don't really agree, but I find your opinion interesting.

    1. Yeah, I don't really agree either. I believe in the idea of modest, and wearing a skirt everyday for Lent sounds cool, but I'm not sure pants blend the lines between manhood and womanhood.

  2. Where do you live? I live in Iowa and it gets crazy cold so it would be impossible to wear a skirt in the dead of winter :) just out of curiosity, what would you do in a situation like that??

    1. That's where layering comes in handy. Sometimes I do wear pants in the winter, but I almost find it warmer to wear thick leggings and a long jean/thicker maxi skirt. Not to mention fuzzy socks are a big help! :)

  3. Personally I think it would be fine to wear shorts if you were just weeding I mean no ones gonna see you haha ;)

    1. Most people won't see you, it's true, but you also have a stray car every now and then. Most importantly, God still sees you. If we wouldn't dress a certain way in front of men, why would we disregard those standards in front of our God? :) We should dress up to God, not down to society. That being said, I don't always wear skirts depending on the task. Things such as washing the dog, pulling weeds, and so on can be done in a skirt as well as shorts or pants, but it's all up to your good judgement weather or not you should wear a skirt.


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