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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tolkien Trivia


I thought it would be a fun idea to test you all on your knowledge of Middle Earth and all things Tolkien!

The rules are simple:
  • No using Google!!! (I understand it's tempting, but YOU SHALL NOT PASS If you use it!! ;))
  • Answer as many or as few as you would like.
  • Have fun!
Our Journey begins!
If you have not read the books, you may discover some surprises!  These questions are based on facts from the books.

1. What is the name and title of Lord Elrond's ring?

2. Who really banished Sauron from Dul Guldor?

3. Why is September 22nd National Hobbit Day?

4. If Middle Earth had existed, where did Tolkien say Hobbiton would have been in England?

5. How old is Pippin in The Return of the King?

6. What is Saruman called by the Elves?

7. What firework does Gandalf save for the last of the show at Bilbo's birthday party?
                    a. A large, green tree that burst into bloom
                    b. A river in the image of running horses
                    c. The Lonely Mountain and the dragon, Smaug

8. What is J. R. R. Tolkien's full name?

9. What are the names of the 13 dwarves?

10. What nursery rhyme does Tolkien elaborate on that Frodo sings at The Prancing Pony?

11. Which of the dwarves plays the harp at Bilbo's house?

12. Who are the S.B.s?

13. How many is one gross?

14. What are the names of the three elves who greet the Fellowship at the edge of Lothlorien?

15. What did Tolkien originally want to name The Return of the King?

(Bonus Question!)
16. What is Fangorn's full name?

I hope you have fun answering these questions!
I'll post the answers to the questions in two weeks.



  1. Ouch those are hard but the SBs are the Sackville-Bagginses and the thirteen dwarves are: balin, dwalin, fili, kili, thorin, oin, gloin, bombur, ori, nori, bofur, bifur, dori. :)

  2. Oh! I forgot to mention. Rule #4 is NO looking at other people's answers in the comments!!!!! All answers must be original!!!


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