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Monday, May 18, 2015

Modest Monday

Today was a beautiful, overcast, make-a-book-worm-happy kind of day.

For some reason he is a very sensitive dog when it comes to thunderstorms.  My mom, sis and I spent a good part of our morning in the laundry room with the fan on.

After all was said and done he was pretty tuckered out!

Anyway, after the Monday report, here comes Modest Monday!

Inspired by this quote (my favorite of all time!) and one of my favorite characters,... is an outfit that totally shouts. "I AM A TOLKIEN FAN!!!!!!" (Surprising, right?! =D)

God bless, Namárië, and have a wonderful rest of the week!


  1. I just have to ask, what do namarie and Mellon mean??

    1. "Namárië" is farewell, and "Melon" is friend. :) The first time I saw Tauriel's quote I thought someone had gotten the quote wrong and thought that she was calling him a mellon! :P Then when I reread FotR, I realized what it was.

  2. Aww! Poor Clifford! If the storm is really bad the Koz gets freaked out too.
    Ooh, cute outfit! I love the skirt. :D

  3. Just wondering, are you going to post the answers to the trivia??


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